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By: BDS Drainage

10 Tips for Saving Your Home From Flood Damage

When flood water enters your home, the damage caused can be immense.

No homeowner wants to find themselves in a situation like this, but it does happen.

If you are dealing with this problem, there are some tips that can make things much clearer for you and help you to save your home.

Read on to learn more about what you should do when your home has been affected by flooding.

1. Turn Off the Power

The first thing you should do is think about the safety of your home. If you don’t ensure that the power is off, and part of your home is flooded, there will be a major safety hazard, and it might end in disaster.

So, you should always be sure to disconnect the power before you go any further. Nothing is more important than the health and safety matters such as this. It will put you in a position where you’re able to proceed safely.

2. Move Fast to Remove the Water

Once the first step has been taken, you need to start moving fast to get the water removed from the affected area of the home as quickly as you can.

Manually removing the water is an option if all the power is off and you don’t have an alternative way of powering mechanical devices.

This is a strenuous task, but it needs to be done. Wet/dry vacuums are also often used to suck up the excess flood water rapidly.

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3. Contact Your Insurance Company

You’re going to want to call up the company that provides your home and contents insurance cover as soon as possible. With so many things to do, this can often get forgotten about.

But it’s always worth taking the time to notify them of what’s going on and what they need to be aware of.

If you leave them in the dark for too long, getting your hands on the insurance payout you’re entitled to could become a lot harder for you and your family.

4. Take Steps to Dry Out the Room

Removing the water doesn’t mean that the affected area will be dry. Everything will still be drenched because some of that water will have been soaked up.

That applies to the furniture, the carpets and the walls. Dehumidifiers are useful for drying out the area once the water has gone. And simple fans can be used as well.

You want to salvage as much as you possibly can, but that’s only possible if you dry the area out as soon as you can.

5. Steam Clean the Floor

The padding of your carpets will have to be replaced if it’s been covered by the flood water. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that the whole carpet will have to be replaced.

By steam cleaning the floor, you will be able to get rid of any of the dirt and bad smells that are lingering in the carpet.

This is definitely worth doing because it’s a lot cheaper than having to completely replace all of the carpet that has been affected by the flood water.

6. Scrub Away the Dirt

You’re going to have to scrub hard to remove all the filth and grime that will be sticking to your home even after it’s been dried out. Flood water is not clean. So, when it enters your home, it will bring an awful lot of dirt with it.

The best way to get rid of this residue is to use a scrubbing brush and soapy water to remove it. It’s hard work, but it really is the best way to get rid of any dirt that’s still hanging around after the above tips have been used.

7. Destroy Bacteria by Using Disinfectant

Even after the dirt has been removed, it’s possible that bacteria will still be lurking in the area hit by the flood water. That’s just how it is, and you might not even be able to notice it.

That’s why it’s so important to make use of disinfectant. This will remove any of that dangerous bacteria that is still hanging around.

Scrubbing along won’t get rid of it, so it’s important to make sure you don’t skip over this step.

8. Prevent Mold Growth

One of the dangers to be aware of when saving your home from the horrors of flood damage is mould growth. You can’t let this become an issue because it can be a real problem to deal with once it gets out of hand. There are mold control products that should be used. This will stop the problem in its tracks and make your life much easier as you try to get things back to normal as quickly as you possibly can.

9. Check All the Furniture and Dispose of Any That Can’t be Recovered

Not all of your furniture is going to be salvageable. Unfortunately, some of it will probably have to be thrown away. Of course, it depends on where the flood hit and which furniture was affected.

Once you’ve got it out of the water and you’ve dried out the area, you should check all of your furniture that was impacted.

You might be able to rescue some of it. But some items will inevitably have be disposed of in the correct way.

10. Learn Lessons from the Experience

Finally, you need to learn about how to prepare better for future floods. By having an action plan in place and improving your home setup, you might be able to avoid the worst of the damage in the future.

Of course, you’ll hope that this never happens again, but hope won’t get you very far when it comes to keeping your home as secure and protected as it possibly can be. So, give this some thought.

Flood damage is always a hassle to deal with, but by taking the right steps, you can get your home back to how it was sooner rather than later. So, keep these 10 tips firmly in mind.

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