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By: BDS Drainage

Top Property Care Tips as Winter Approaches

With the sunshine beaming down, sound of the kids in the garden splashing in the pool and the distinctive smell of BBQs across your neighbourhood do not put you in mind of colder times. BDS know that it’s all too easy to use your new favourite summer book to wave away the pressing heat and house responsibilities along with it.

Unfortunately colder months will eventually creep around and before you know it you are facing an array of hassle from overflowing gullies to bursting pipes.. so here is an early warning from the Blocked Drain Specialists to you, our valued customer.
As London, Essex, Surrey and Kents most trusted drainage company, the Blocked Drain Specialists have their call outs absolutely sky-rocket within the Autumn and Winter months. This is due to many residents suddenly experiencing blocked drains and overflowing guttering. These seem like usual household problems but why only Autumn? Well, as you may already have guessed, the Autumn and Winter months bring all sorts of problematic and unavoidable botheration.

So, what’s the damage?

BDS know the frustration and confusion that can be caused by plumbing or drainage predicaments as it is something your average homeowner thinks of so infrequently. A large majority of our call outs at this time are for gutter clearance, drain clearance or a bit of both. During the winter months our most popular services include the repairing of broken, snapped piping or frozen exterior taps and pipes.

However a small amount are emergency based, usually when a frozen pipe has actually burst under the pressure of frost and ice.
Gutters and downpipes in Autumn are the number one thing to look out for if you are interested in keeping your gutters clear or have experienced repeat blockages in the past.

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08081 689 112

BDS can be called out for no charge and can clean and clear your gutters and downpipes rapidly. Often people forget about the importance of downpipes, usually because the content of debris or water passing down and through them cannot be seen until they pour into the drain on the base. Downpipes are actually very important, linking your guttering system to the drains and sometimes blockages can build within these and you won’t realise until it rains and your gutters are creating a waterfall overflow effect.

Things to Remember:

  •  Pests love blocked gutters – Bugs, termites and more love living in leaf and garden-debris filled gutters. Some may be wood invasive or spread within your home. Its not a likely scenario but is certainly something to consider!
  •  Do not avoid unblocking your exterior gutters. Too high? Not enough spare time? Let BDS clear them for you
  •  Keep in mind blockages can be building within piping that is not visible. This is what causes sudden emergency call outs
  •  House & prevention maintenance is the number one tip for preventing damages
  •  Overflowing gutters can freeze in winter time and become a house hazard
  •  Water, ice or snow can cause a strain on your gutters and it may even double the chances of pipes breaking and collapsing
  •  Frozen pipes can burst

Unblock gutters and drains ASAP,

 07597 939 206

Please contact Blocked Drain Specialists today for free advice.

We can tell you all the must know signs to keep your drainage systems healthy and clear.

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Expert Drainage Solutions by Blocked Drain Specialists. BDS Keeping things Clear across London and Kent.

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